Cyber security in Asian markets – increase your volume instantly


Chrisvon's Sound Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd is committed to promoting excellence in network security technology.

Where to find large markets, customer volumes and demand.

Extensive Through our cooperation network, we introduce technology and Products.

We can plan services that are suitable for different budgets.

Contact the efficient promoter, link to the Asian market and increase your volume immediately.

In addition to cyber security companies, we serve high tech IT, artificial intelligence and consulting companies.

Please send an email or fill out the form and let's talk more!

why Asia?

Asia has been known for some time to be the most potential place for new cybersecurity and other IT companies looking to expand internationally.

Google and Temasek (Singapore) have estimated that the Southeast Asian digital market will triple by 2025, reaching $ 240 billion. This forecast has grown from the previous $ 200 billion forecast, as the region has shown that its development is accelerating significantly faster than expected.

However, the transition to the Asian market as a Finnish cyber security provider is not entirely straightforward. Lack of contacts, language barrier and lack of local bureaucracy can make the project too difficult. But you have us! Here is Chrisvon's Sound Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd is the operator
that makes enlargement easy and easy for you. If you have a product or service that sells, we will make it aware of the Asian market.

International cooperation

Asian markets include: China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia etc. Although technology is still not as developed in most parts of Asia, digital innovation in science and technology in China, South Korea, and Japan has made these countries pioneers in many ways. Technological advances in many Asian countries have allowed countries to transition from third world poverty to a model of digital well-being.

In the dissemination of European technology companies to Asia, countless opportunities for cooperation
With local actors.

Learn more about the possibilities

Contact us for a quote

When you are ready to immediately increase your customer volume and enter the Asian market, please contact us. It doesn't matter how big your business is, we can design with you just the right fit for your business size and budget, which will help you get the most out of your market.

Tell us about your cyber security, high tech IT, artificial intelligence, or consulting firm so we can find the right market and actor for your product or service.

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